Kind of Chemical Poison

 Chemical Poison

  • Based on mode of entry in pest - These type of chemicals take entry into pest as mentioned.

  • 1. Stomach Poison - These Poison active when Pest has eaten sprayed part of plants. As -Emamectin Benzoate, Arsenic, Gamacsin

  • 2. Contact Poison - These type of poison active when it comes contact with any pest. As- Fennpyroximate, Quinalphos, DDT, BHC Powder

  • 3. Sysmetic Poison - It take place in plant's leaves & stem and when pest chew leaves, it has contaminate them. example - Thiamethaxome, Endosulfan, 

  • 4. Fumigants Poison - It is damaged by inhalation. Example -Alluminium Fosphide, Mithyle Bromite,Cloropicrin

  • Based on mode of Action - it has effected the body parts as mentioned.

  • 1. Physical poisons - Active with contact.

  • 2. Nerve poisons - It effected on nurve system(paralysed) of pest.

  • 3. Respiratory poisons - It damaged respiration system of pest.

  • 4. Protoplasmic poisons - It damaged or kill living cells.

  • 5. General poisons - Any other poison caused for death, injury or harm to organs, tissues & cells.

  • 6. Chitin Inhibitor - The inhibitors prevent the new exoskeleton forming properly in pest and they die.

  • Based on Toxicity - It shows the dangerous & harmful effect on pest.


    Poison         - Colour  -    Symbol

1. Extremely toxic- Red  -  Skull & poison

2. Moderately toxic-Blue    -  Danger

3. Highly toxic          -Yellow -  Poison

4. Less toxic              - Green - Caution

  • Based on the Chemical Nature - It shows the type of chemicals used in the pesticide.

  • 1. Organic insecticides - Chemicals which has carbon compounds.

  • 2. Synthetic insecticides - Synthesis complex chemical compounds from simpler ones.

  • 3. Inorganic insecticides- In these chemicals has no carbon compounds.

  • 4. Miscellaneous compounds - From one or more compounds arranged in a different way and have different properties from each other.

  • Based on the Stage of Pest - It has effected in mentioned stage of Pest.  

  • 1. Ovicides  - Kill pest in period of egg stage.

  • 2. Pupicides - Kill them during pupal stage.

  • 3. Larvicides - Kill during the larva stage of pest.

  • 4. Adulticides - Kill the adult pest.


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