Management in Tea
Management in Tea
Management is the way of Administration to manage the resources and achieve the goal in minimum costing with high productivity by proper planning and supervising.
Points to do for better Management -
1.Development programme - Prepare a 3 years Estate's devlopment & yield improving programme.
2. Deployment Programme - Prepare a daily deployment list of workers monthwise on the basis of SP-NP & other work activities.
3. Seasonal Calendar/Yearly Budget - prepare a yearly calendar monthwise with all Cultivation activities, mandays requirment and costing(including material & wages).
4. Cultivation Programme - Prepare a cultivation work list with planning (datewise) and require mandays task & area wise to do as...
- Drain Digging(In LP section),
- Drain cleaning (In UP, DS & MS),
- Hoeing (In RP & MP),
- Forking (In LP),
- Ground levelling,
- Cheeling (In DS & MS),
- Weeding(In Young Teas),
- Pahi & Passage cutting (In UP,MS & DS),
- Hand levelling ( in UP)
5. Repairing of Houses - Plan for repairing and construction of labour's & Leaf houses.
6. Firewood & Other Demand - Prepare a firewood's distribution & cutting programme(@228 cft/worker) and other protective metairials list like Umbrella, Apron, Blanket, Shoes & Slippers etc..
Also Black Tea, Ration & LPG cylinder requirement list....
7. Pesticide & Fungicide Programme - Prepare a pesticide spraying programme monthwise(@2 rounds in every section) with require chemicals, machines(New & repaired), Fuel(Petrol & Diesel) & mandays.
Also follow it on actual basis with Spraying chart.
8. Weedicide Programme - Prepare a 3 to 4 rounds weedicide programme from March to November(Datewise) at the interval of 1& 2 month(Best to use translocated weedicide). Also as per pesticide.
And follow it on actual basis with Weedicide Spraying chart.
9. Manuring Programme - Prepare a section wise Manuring programme(Requirement) on the basis of yield & soil report.
10. YTD Programme - It is depend on age of Young Teas and part of Manuring programme.
- Calculate the requirement of fertilizer & Organic manures. And sent purchase order.
- Also prepare a Manuring & YTD application Programme with mandays as per above calculation and follow it on actual basis.
11. Tea Nursery Programme - Prepare a nursery programme with costing on the basis of require tea plants(Clone wise) next year for planting & Infilling work.
12. Shade Nursery Programme - On the basis of requirement of shade trees (as per Verieties) in extension area or old sections areas with costing.
Also review every year sectionwise shade trees status in all old sections.
13. Plucking Programme with Goal - Prepare areawise weekly programme on the basis of pluck equal hactare area per day in prune & Unprune Sections (Total Area/6 days) with monthly goal (Area to be plucked & Mandays requirement) .
And follow it in weekly Plucking chart and monthly goal programme on actual basis.
14. Manufacturing Programme - Prepare as per available quantity of leaves and requirement of mandays to achieve best quality in factory.
15. Shade Planting Programme - As per requirement in new planting(Extension) areas and available section wise shade trees status.
16. Young Tea Development Programme - As per age follow the bringing up/Training of young teas programme including mulching, YTD Application, Crotoleria planting, watering, weeding, Cheeling & levelling of ground programme.
17. Infilling Tea Programme - As per vacancy & requirement of tea plants including mandays.
18. Cold Weather Activities Programme - A programme(datewise) for cold Weather activities with mandays like LP, DS,MS,KCO,HCO, Bush cleaning, Composting etc.
19. Pruning Programme - Datewise Programme for all type of Pruning (MP, LP,DS,MS) with mandays and follow it actual basis.
20. Uprooting Programme - Prepare a 5 years uprooting(@2% area/ year) programme for sections which bushes are more than 80 years age.
21. Field Preparation Programme - A Programme for field preparation work with drain cutting and require mandays with materials.
22. Rehabilitation Programme - A programme for Planting of Guatemala and it's maintanence.
23. Replanting Programme - Programme for Replanting of teas, shade & Crotoleria with mandays
24. Office Administration Programme - Prepare a list for timely returns to H.O/government offices by assigned staffs.
25. Medical Releted Programme - Requirement of medical equipments and medicines monthwise.
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