Type of Teas
Types of Tea
- Black Tea - The value of a tea from its infusion (,clour, brightness, quality, strength, briskness & flavour) and appearance of the dry leaf particles(Fibre less, blackish & brightness like black pearl).
- Quality of Tea - It is something that stimulates the taste- buds of the tonge and has the effect of enhancing the value of aroma.
Type of processing in Tea -
1. CTC Teas - In the process we use CTC machines for cutting & crushing of leaves and turn them into small rounded teas after processing. These teas are strong & hard in liquor.
2. Orthodox Tea - In the process we use rolling tables to roll the leaves and turn them into half opened leaves. These teas are best in brisk & fragrance but soft in liquor.
3. Green Teas - In the process steamed the leaves after Plucking and dried them for better oxidation, then it turn in little brown colour.
4. Oolong Teas - In the process leaves are withered in sun's shade and oxidated before curling. This activity built it colour & character in taste.
- Type of Teas -
1. Hot Tea - When tea made with hot water is called hot Tea.
2. Iced Tea - When tea made with ice is called Iced Tea.
3. Lemon Tea - When tea made with lemon and hot water is called lemon Tea.
4. Tea Ice Cream - An Ice cream with tea & its flavour is called Tea Ice cream.
5. Iced Tea Cocktail (With Fruit juice & mint) - When Iced tea made with fruit juice or mint for taste & flavour is called Iced Tea cocktail.
6. Tea Everest ( With Tulsi or Mentha) -When Iced tea or hot tea made with Tulsi or Mentha & its flavour is called Tea Everest.
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