Spraying & Equipments in Tea
With the process we Spray Pesticides, Weedicide & foliar in Tea plantation . It should apply after Plucking to avoid chemical's residue on leaves.
For better result & avoiding mistakes by workers, always use seperate hand sprayer for Pesticides and Weedicide (Red colour).
- Spraying Technique - The way of Spraying in tea plantation.
- 1. Directional Method - In this method we take one side(one direction left or right) in spraying and after completion of that side , we spray other side. This is best technique for effective spraying.
- 2. SwingingMethod - But in this we can Spray both side(left & right) during spraying.
- Spray Equipments -
- 1. High Volume/ Hand Sprayer -1 Hand sprayer control 6 hectares in whole season.
- It hold 40 - 60 pound/sq inch pressure during spraying work
- A) Continuous Type -
- a) Pressure Retaining Type - Example
- i) Pneumatic Knapsack
- b) Pressure Non-Retaining Type -
- In 30 minute achieved 22 Nulls distance during spraying with Duromist nozzle.
- i)Bakpak-
- Tank capacity- 13 ltrs
- time taken in 13 ltrs solution Spraying 29 minutes with Duromist nozzle
- ii) V-2007 -
- Tank capacity- 15 ltrs
- time taken in 15/16 ltrs solution Spraying 33/34 minutes with Duromist nozzle.
- iii) Knapsack
- iv) Stir up pump
- B) Non-Continuous Type
- 2. Low Volume / Power Sprayer -1 power sprayer control 25 hectares in whole season. It is best that on 1 power sprayer there should be 3 hand sprayers.
- Its droplets size - 50-1500 micron during spraying.
- A) Mist Blower -
- a) Cifarelli -
- Tank Capacity- 17 Litres
- Fuel consumption - 2 ltrs/ha.
- In 1 minute achieved 75 Nulls distance during spraying.
- B) Mist Blower with rotary atomiser
- Nozzle -
- 1. Cone Type (Pesticide Nozzle) -
- A) Cone mist Spray nozzle
- B) Duromist Spray nozzle -Discharge capacity 450 ml/minute.
- 2. Fan Type (Weedicide Nozzle) -
- A) WFN -24 - Use in Young Teas
- B) WFN -40 - Use in Mature Teas -
- Discharge capacity 470 ml/minute.
- C) WFN -62 - Use in Mature Teas in rare case
- 3. Jet Cone Nozzle - Only use in high trees.
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