
Showing posts from April, 2022

Returns & Notices in Tea Management

Returns in Tea Management These are the main returns of Tea Estate to government offices... Form -1 - Fortnightly Provident fund contribution, advance & deduction return. Form - 2 - Yearly Renewal of factory licence. Form -3 - P.F. nomination form. Form -4 - P.F. Settlement form Form -5 - P.F. Annual return. Form -11 - Annual return under meternity benefit(Presently 84 days providing). Form -12 - Annual labour office return. Form -16 - Annual return to ALC. Form -18 -Notice for  Accident. Form -20 - Hospital feeder Register. Form -21 - Annual factory return of mandays. Form -22 - Half yearly factory return. Form -26 - Accident register form Form -III - Annual labour office return. Form -IV - Annual factory return in about mandays. Form -IV A & B - Annual return of payment & wages.(Rs 3 allowance/day in spraying) Form - C- Assam tea employes welfare vfund act. Form -D - Annual return of bonus payment. Form -E - Annual Tea board return. ER-1 - Monthly central excise factory

Orthodox Tea Processing

Processing of Orthodox Tea Orthodox Tea - In the process we use rolling tables to roll the leaves and turn them into half opened leaves. These teas are best in brisk & fragrance but soft in liquor. Stages of manufacturing - 1. Plucking - The process in which pluck 1 bud with 2 small leaves from top of bushes, best if plucked only buds.  For Orthodox manufacturing we pluck leaves in early morning to avoid tiny black spots on Orthodox teas. 2. Collection - The plucked leaves is collected after weighment in crate to maintain their softness.  3. Transportation - Then by vehicle, it is send to factory for manufacturing 4. Withering - By this process we deduct moisture from leaves to concentrate theine alcoloid in control measures. For Orthodox - 40-45% loss weight from leaves @4%/ hour. Determine moisture% - By K.B. moisture meter we can determine withering. In this process we take 5 gram CTC cutting wither leaves and keep it in K.B Moisture Meter for 25 minutes and then weight, the

Type of Teas

Types of Tea Black Tea - The value of a tea from its infusion (,clour, brightness, quality, strength, briskness & flavour) and appearance of the dry leaf particles(Fibre less, blackish & brightness like black pearl). Quality of Tea - It is something that stimulates the taste- buds of the tonge and has the effect of enhancing the value of aroma.  Type of processing in Tea - 1. CTC Teas - In the process we use CTC machines for cutting & crushing of leaves and turn them into small rounded teas after processing. These teas are strong & hard in liquor. 2. Orthodox Tea - In the process we use rolling tables to roll the leaves and turn them into half opened leaves. These teas are best in brisk & fragrance but soft in liquor. 3. Green Teas - In the process steamed the leaves after Plucking and dried them for better oxidation, then it turn in little brown colour. 4. Oolong Teas - In the process leaves are withered in sun's shade and oxidated before curling. This a

CTC Tea processing

  Processing of CTC Tea  CTC Teas - In the process we use CTC(Curling Tearing Crushing) machines for crushing & cutting of leaves and turn them into small rounded teas after processing. These teas are strong & hard in liquor. Discovered & patent by - W. Merkhar in 1930 Black Tea - The value of a tea from its infusion (,clour, brightness, quality, strength,  briskness & flavour) and appearance of the dry leaf particles(Fibre less, blackish & brightness like black pearl). Quality of Tea - It is something that stimulates the taste- buds of the tonge and has the effect of enhancing the value of aroma. Stages of manufacturing - 1. Plucking - The process in which pluck 1 bud with 2 & 3 leaves leaves and single banjhies from top of bushes. 2. Collection - The plucked leaves is collected after weighment in crate to maintain their softness.  3. Transportation - Then by vehicle, it is send to factory in crate for manufacturing 4. Withering - By this process we deduct

Management in Tea

Management in Tea Management is the way of Administration to manage the resources and achieve the goal in minimum costing with high productivity by proper planning and supervising.  Points to do for better Management - 1.Development programme - Prepare a 3 years Estate's devlopment & yield improving programme. 2. Deployment Programme - Prepare a daily deployment list of workers monthwise on the basis of SP-NP & other work activities. 3. Seasonal Calendar/Yearly Budget - prepare a yearly calendar monthwise with all Cultivation activities, mandays requirment and costing(including material & wages). 4. Cultivation Programme - Prepare a cultivation work list with planning  (datewise) and require mandays task & area wise to do as... Drain Digging(In LP section),  Drain cleaning (In UP, DS & MS),  Hoeing (In RP & MP),  Forking (In LP),  Ground levelling,  Cheeling (In DS & MS),  Weeding(In Young Teas),  Pahi & Passage cutting (In UP,MS & DS),  Hand le

Weed & Weedicide in Tea

  Weeds A wild plant growing where it is not wanted,  it harms major crop's yield and prevents them growing properly. Type of Weeds - 1. Annual Weed - Life cycle completed in 1 year. Example... Seteria Glauca Paspalum Conjugatum 2. Binnial Weeds -  Life cycle completed in 2 years. Example... Elephantopus Scaber 3. Perennial Weeds - Life cycle completed in more than 2 years. Example... Cynodon Dactylon Melastoma malabathricum Details of weeds - Common name - Scin. name - Vegetation in 1. Bagh Asora - Polygonum Perfoliatum -                                                                            Jan/Mar 2. Mutha Grass - Cyperus Rotundus -                                                               Feb/March 3. Dubari Bin - Cynodon Dactylon - Feb/Sept. 4. Sour Grass - Paspalum Conjugatum -                                                                  Mar/Apr. 5. Carpet Grass - Axonopus Compressus -                                                                   Apr/May 6.

Kind of Chemical Poison

  Chemical Poison Based on mode of entry in pest - These type of chemicals take entry into pest as mentioned. 1. Stomach Poison -  These Poison active when Pest has eaten sprayed part of plants. As - Emamectin Benzoate, Arsenic, Gamacsin 2. Contact Poison - These type of poison active when it comes contact with any pest. As- Fen npyroximate, Quinalphos, DDT, BHC Powder 3. Sysmetic Poison - It take place in plant's leaves & stem and when pest chew leaves, it has contaminate them. example - Thiamethaxome, Endosulfan,  4. Fumigants Poison - It is damaged by inhalation. Example -Alluminium Fosphide, Mithyle Bromite,Cloropicrin Based on mode of Action - it has effected the body parts as mentioned. 1. Physical poisons - Active with contact. 2. Nerve poisons - It effected on nurve system(paralysed) of pest. 3. Respiratory poisons - It damaged respiration system of pest. 4. Protoplasmic poisons - It damaged or kill living cells. 5. General poisons - Any other poison  caused for deat

Disease & Control in Tea

  Disease Fungal Disease - Disease caused by fungi is  called fungal Disease.  Type of Fungal Disease - A) Primary - It is first fungal infection in plants. B) Secondary - After primary infection it has come in effect and damage the plant. Leaf Fungal Disease - This type of Fungus effected the leaves of plants A) Primary Type - Blister Blight (Exobasidium Vexans) Black Rot(Corticium Thea & C. Invisum) B) Secondary Type - Grey Blight Brown Blight Red Spot Black Spot Control - Copper Hydroxide @ 500 gr./200 Litres water Carboxin (COC) @ 500 gr./ 200 litres water Hexaconazole @ 200 ml/200 Litres water Stem Fungal Disease - This type of Fungus effected the Stem of plants. 1. Primary Type - Dieback- Seed Decay(Fusarium Solani) 2. Secondary Type - Red Rust (Cephaleuras Parasiticus) Poria Branch Canker Thorney Stem Blight Control - Contof @ 200 ml/200 Litres water Carbendazin @ 200 ml/ 200 litres water Hexaconazole @ 200 ml/200 Litres water Trichoderma @ 1 litre/ 200 litres of water

Pest & Control in Tea

  Pest They damage plants and leaves by their activities and minimize the crop upto 10-20% in Tea Plantation. Always use PPC approved pesticide, Fungicide & Weedicide chemicals. 1. Mites - They are in tiny size with 8 legs creature like a spider and damaging the leaves of tea plants. A) Red Spider (Oligonychus Coffeae) - They are red colour mites. Damage leaves of tea plants and turn them into reddish, dry & then fall off. Damage Nature - 8 -10% crop Loss. Life Cycle - All mite have same life Cycle  Eggs →Larvae → Nymphs→Adult Completion of life Cycle - In Summer - 7 - 10 days In Winter - 20 days Eggs Hatching - Mar./April/Sept./Oct. - In 5-6 days May/June/ July/Aug.- In 4-5 days Nov./Dec./Jan./Feb. - 13 days B) Scarlett Mite (Brevipalpus Phoenisis) - They are turn tea's leaf in opposite direction and damage it. C) Pink Mite ( Acaphylla Theae) - They are in pink colour and damage like red Spider. D) Purple Mite (Calacarus Carinatus) - They are in purple colour and damage

Spraying & Equipments in Tea

  Spraying With the process we Spray Pesticides, Weedicide & foliar in Tea plantation . It should apply after Plucking to avoid chemical's residue on leaves. For better result & avoiding mistakes by workers, always use seperate hand sprayer for Pesticides and Weedicide (Red colour). Spraying Technique - The way of Spraying in tea plantation.  1. Directional Method - In this method we take one side(one direction left or right) in spraying and after completion of that side , we spray other side. This is best technique for effective spraying. 2. SwingingMethod - But in this we can Spray both side(left & right) during spraying. Spray Equipments - 1. High Volume/ Hand Sprayer - 1 Hand sprayer control 6 hectares in whole season.  It hold 40 - 60 pound/sq inch pressure during spraying work A) Continuous Type - a) Pressure Retaining Type - Example i) Pneumatic Knapsack b) Pressure Non-Retaining Type -  In 30 minute achieved 22 Nulls distance during spraying with Duromist nozzl

Crop Boosting & Foliar Spraying in Tea

Crop Boosting  Increase Tea plantation crop with Foliar & Plant growth harmones spraying. Never spray fertilizer & Pesticide cocktail in plantation. By Foliar Spraying - Spray the following  fertilizers cocktail in 200 litres water at the interval of 15 days. From March to June -  In Unprune Sections -  Urea - 2 kgs Zinc - 2 kgs Boron - 250 gram From July to October - In UP Sections - Urea - 2 kgs MOP - 1.75 kgs DAP - 1.5 kgs Zinc - 2 kgs In Prune (LP, DS & MS) Sections - Urea - 2 kgs MOP - 1.75 kgs DAP - 1.5 kgs From November to December - In Proposed LP & Poor Areas - MOP - 4 kgs From December to March - In UP Sections - Magnesium Sulphate - 2 kgs MOP - 2 kgs By Plant growth Harmones - 1. Gibberellic Acid (GA3) @ 8 gr./200 litres water increase 50% crop in April or September/ October. Before mixing of GA3  heating is necessary  or rub it with a tiny amount of Alcohol because it is not directly soluble in water. 2. Auxin Harmones -   (Indole Acetic Acid (Bipul) @ 200

Plucking in Tea

  Plucking   The tender apical portion of shoots consisting of two to three leaves and the terminal buds are nipped of in Plucking.  Plucking System - Shoots may be plucked above Basal Janams Janams & Fish Leaves Janams, Fish Leaves & Single foliage leaf. Average Pluckers/ ha. - 10 Average Plucked leaves/Pluckers - 24 kgs Plucking Rounds - Completion of Plucking is called Plucking round.  Although 7 days round is most common. In year 30 - 32 rounds leaf plucked in a section or Tea Estate. Laterals - The branches of the primaries(growing shoots) are the laterals of the first order. 10 orders of laterals can be produced in a year. Plucking Standard - A bud & two leaves to be plucked.  Type of Plucking... Fine/Black Plucking -  All 1 +  Bud, All 2+ bud(Terminal bud & small 2 leaves & soft single Banjhies). Standard/Normal Plucking - Bud with small 2-3 leaves & soft single Banjhies. Medium Plucking - Bud with all 2-3 leaves & soft double Banjhies. Coarse Pluck

Application of Fertilizer in Tea

Manuring in Tea Application of fertilizer is start from March after receiving of good rain(2"). Start fertilizer application from Unprune sections after 2 or 3 days of weedicide spraying. Reason for Manuring - we apply Manure in field to fulfill the nutrients, consumed by plants... Plants consume nutrients in 100 kgs Made Tea - Nutrients -Qnt. Absorbed- be Applied N      -         4   kgs      -           6 kgs  P2O5-       0.6 kgs      -           1 kgs K2O  -        2   kgs      -           6 kgs Ca     -       0.6 kgs      -           0 kgs Mg    -       0.3 kgs      -           0 kgs S       -        0.25kgs     -           1 kgs   Type of Nutrients  - Major Nutrients          - N,  P,    K Secondary Nutrients - Ca, Mg, S Micro Nutrients - Al, B, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Na, Si, Zn.. Deficiency symptoms produced in Tea by - N, P, K,  Ca, Mg, S, Mn, B Apply Zinc(ZnSo4) 1-2% W/V(weight by volume) - 12.5 kgs/ha. every year. Inorganic Manure - Nutrients % in Fertilizer - Fertil